2012年6月24日 星期日

[Digest] The Four Levels of Interpersonal Relationships

Note: this is a digest from this blog. I do not own this original idea.

Level 1 - hidden self

usually happens when you first meet someone and you want to appear in a good impression. you may try to be someone you're not or exaggerate some of your talks and acts.

Level 2 - blind self

usually happens when you think you're doing a good job hiding yourself, but actually the one in front of you has already seen through you and discover some of your idiosyncrasies or even the dark side of your heart.

Level 3 - unknown self 

after a while, when you gradually lose the energy of pretending yourself, you and the other person discover something that you don't know about yourself before you two have met. something that neither you two have discovered before but happened after you know each other a while. For instance, you actually like watching ball games or studying overnight, or you actually enjoy being bossed around. Anything.

Level 4 - open self

you two understand each other. you are wholly accepted and feel secured. your expectations usually are met. you understand the other person, and the other person understands you.




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