2012年5月4日 星期五

[Journal] Morning in the Office

Wow, it's been a month since my last article! How time flies! I'm now sitting in my office, relaxed, enjoying the moment. Right on my desk is a cup of freshly made soybean milk, and the also freshly made fruit sandwich is waiting in my purse. Ah! What a life! Today, I think I'm gonna achieve great things, I'm gonna successfully complete my tasks, I 'm also gonna do something new to help our project run better. Cheers to the morning! Cheers for life, for staying alive!

5 則留言:

  1. It is not see your article for a long time.
    In the article, you share your life and it make me feel so great, because it is full of energy, I am influenced from you,so happy.^^

    1. Really? I'm so happy that I can make you happy!^^ I try to squeeze some time to post articles here, but sometimes I just don't know what to post! Because now I'm more and more into the real life, and staying far from the Internet...

    2. I think go into real life is batter than staying on the internet. If you have free time , maybe you can post the article about thinking of life and work or else that you want to share, it will be a good choice. It is the suggestion for you.~HA^^

    3. It's "better", Stanley. I think "batter" means to destroy something, but I'm not sure. I agree with you, staying in real life is better than hanging in cyber space...but somehow, I miss those days that I can chat online with different people.

    4. haha~sorry~I type wrong word. I knew the new word:batter.In those days, you gave the time to people who want to practice speaking English.This word that I have spoke to you, the people who ever practiced spoke English with you , we have to appreciate your giving.^_^



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