2012年4月14日 星期六

[電影英文台詞] 活個痛快 (+ 英文觀後心得)

中文片名:活個痛快 / 偷天換日

英文片名:50/50 / A Man on the Ledge

50/50, a movie starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogan, Anna Kendrick. I've loved Joseph since 500 Days of Summer, and Inception. Love Seth Rogan because of Knocked Up and Funny People. I noticed Anna Kendrick in Twilight, and have been attracted by her accent since then.

"Why do you spend every night in my bed?" is the line Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) says when he finds his girlfriend has been cheating on him. I was so touched by this scene. At the moment, I realized that when a man loves you, he can be very nice and can do anything for you. He will plan thins for you and plan your life into his life. But once he finds the truth that you're not being honest with him, he can accept the fact and take his love back, even if that hurts so much, he is still capable of taking his love back. Sometimes I have to admit men accept truth quicker than women do. They just accept it. They normally don't dwell on the past. I have a lot to think about after seeing this movie.

Another movie I saw was A Man on the Ledge, which was good, too. It lifted my spirit to fight, or maybe fight harder.




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