2012年3月21日 星期三

[Thoughts] Accept the Past, and Maybe Embrace It

I suddenly have this feeling, that I need to say it right now. I need to write it down, and let people know what I think. At least to remind the future me what I think right now.

I was surfing the net and nonchalantly reading my fb friend's status update. Her father commented on her status update, and I was like, "Gees, your father talks exactly the way you talk! That explains something, I finally know where you got your style from!"

Let's assume the fb friend's name to be Pathetic, which actually is not true but sort of captures some of her features. I did not like Pathetic the first day I met her at school. I could not expain why. Maybe it was because she claimed and pretended to be the Ms. Know-it-All, Ms. Look-How-Hot-I-Am, Ms. Why-Don't-We-Dress-Less-and-Get-Naked, blah blah. Things got worse when we happen to take the same optional course, like the same guy(who later became her boyfriend), want to be BFF with the same girl(who later became my BFF), choose the same advisor(who permitted me to graduate within 2.5 years whilst looked at her struggling helplessly), like the same food in the cafeteria(which did not cause any problem because we had plenty of them).

Lunch time, I need to get some.
I'll quickly wrap this up. The thing is, I've always been upset that we went to the same school so that people would think that we belong to the same level. I know I might make myself much more miserable than her just by saying this. But I won't be surprised if you have the same feeling with me. Who wants to be classified to the same group with someone you particularly don't like?
Oh, and I just want to say that I don't care about going to the same school anymore. I'm just me and she's just her. I can accept this fact now. As long as I can prove myself and accept myself, why care the school name? It's just a degree. Who doesn't have one? The thing that matters more is to know what you can do and do it.




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