My mother asked me to do her a favor in Xin-Yi District. After that, I went to Xin-Yi eslite bookstore and read some books. I looked around in different areas and saw many books. Four of them did I remember particularly, so I'll introduce them here. The first one I introduce here was recommended by my friend. I didn't read it, but since my friend strongly praised it, I decided to introduce it as well. The title of this book is "Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World", and the author is Michael Lewis.
圖1 Michael Lewis的書《自食惡果》 |
My friend told me, Michael Lewis is also the author of "Moneyball". My friend really liked books by Michael Lewis and wanted to buy "Boomerang". I suggested we buy it next time since none of us carry a bag, and to carry a book by hand would be too troublesome. If we ask for a bag from the store, that would be a waste, too. The second book is a Japanese book. The title of the book means "single life all along". The author is an illustrator and a free writer. She has published a series of illustrated books describing the happiness and sorrow in her life. This book, "Single Life all along", is the latest one of the same series.
圖2 深澤直子的書《每天都是一個人》 |
I've been enjoying and admiring this author for a long time. Actually, I've read many books written / illustrated by her. This time, we had so much pleasure reading her book, too. We giggled together at every laughing point in the book. The author imagined that her 3 goldfish could talk. The 3 goldfish always say funny things and make us laugh. The characters are cute, too, including the author's Mom. Look at the cover of this book, you can see the three goldfish, the messy room of the author, and also the optimistic atmosphere. Also, the author is 37 years old and is not married. Aging always makes women feel anxious more often than men. She talks about some feelings of aging and being single, but in a fun and confident way, and makes me feel related to her. That's another reason I like this book. The third book is about interpersonal skills. Its title is "Interpersonal Mind Tricks That Everyone Knows But You". The author is Bow-Ling Wang.
圖3 王寶玲的書《懂的人都不說的社交心理詭計》 |
This is a good book, it covers a wide range of tips and skills when you deal with interpersonal relationships. However, I found the interior layout in this book not attractive at all. And that stopped me from loving this book the way it deserved. I still like this book, but I feel bad it could not be edited and presented in a more personable way. You'll understand when you see it. The fourth book is also illustrated like the second one. The theme of the fourth book is about Female dressing style in Paris.
圖4 米澤的書《不跟潮流的巴黎流》 |
I read this book because I wanted to get some inspirations. The pictures in this book are nice. The basic tone of this book is simple and easy to read. This is something you want when you are in a train station or waiting in line in a hospital. I like it actually, but I think the author can elaborate more on the essential spirit of fashion style in Paris. But maybe this is not what the author wants to do.
So, as above, these are the four books that drew my attention today in the bookstore. How about you?
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