2012年2月25日 星期六

[電影英文台詞] 永不妥協


英文片名:Erin Bockovich



"Is that so? Well, it just so happens, I think I look nice.
And as long as I have one ass instead of two, like most of the "girls" you have working here,
I'm gonna wear what I like, if that's alright with you?"

延伸學習:if that's...  如果...的話

(1) if that's what it takes: 如果想成功就必須那麼做的話
(2) if that's ok with you: 如果你不介意的話
(3) if that's the way you wanna play: 如果你想耍這種招的話



" I mean I was Miss Wichita, for Christ sakes. Did I tell you that?
Did you know you were living next door to a real live beauty queen? I still got the tiara.
I thought it meant I was gonna do something important with my life, that I was gonna be someone."

延伸學習:I thought it meant...  我還以為那代表...

(1) I thought I meant someone to you: 我還以為我對你而言很重要
(2) I thought you meant what you promised: 我還以為你答應了就會做到
(3) It doesn't mean what I thought it meant: 那代表的意思和我以為的不一樣



" I'm telling you, the minute Brenda sent the fax --
I'm talking the second she pressed that send button --
PG&E claims department is on the phone to me, scheduling a meeting."

延伸學習:the minute...  當...的時候

(1) the minute you think of giving up: 當你想要放棄的時候
(2) the minute you settle for less than deserve: 當你委曲求全的時候
(3) the minute you stop making mistakes is the minute you stop learning:
當你不再犯錯,你也毫無所獲(Miley Cyrus名言)



"Look, I know you're upset.  But the way this job is, things come up at the last minute, real important things, and I gotta deal with...Please don't be mad at me. I'm..I'm doing this for us...I know it's hard for you to understand but..I mean, don't you want mommy to be good at her job?"

延伸學習:the way...  的樣子

(1) the way we were: 我們過去的樣子
(2) the way you look tonight: 你今晚看起來的樣子
(3) the way you make me feel: 你帶給我的感覺



"Working hard!!? Why you little...Let me tell you something - I've worked all my life. I built a firm and kept it alive through lawsuits, injunctions, and evictions. I have survived a quadruple bypass, cancer, being born with one kidney and having diabetes......I have personally managed to save afew million dollars over more than thirty years of getting some clients ten times that. Don't tell me I haven't worked hard enough! Don't tell me I don't have the right to stop..to take a fucking breath and enjoy my life. And what the hell do you know about any of this anyway!? Something like this, Erin -- it could take forever. They're a huge corporation.  They could bury us in paperwork for the next fifteen years. I'm just one guy with a private firm."


"Well, come to think of it, we did have a big event around here.  Beth started talking......We were sitting around at lunch and she pointed at a ball and said, "ball." I'd never seen that before -- someone's first word.  Pretty intense."

延伸學習:come to think of it  這樣一想的話

(1) come to think of it, it wasn't that bad: 這樣一想,也沒那麼糟
(2) come to think of it, it might not be a bad idea: 這樣一想,這點子還不壞
(3) come to think of it, I've never seen one before: 這樣一想,我從沒看過




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