A lot of people were waiting in line for a bowl of "duck vermicelli". It is said to be very good.
I do not eat ducks. Nor am I interested in vermicelli.
As a matter of fact, I have been pining for a bowl of rice for days. Therefore, as soon as I have learned the diner next to the "duck vermicelli" offers a variety of cuisine, including of rice, I stepped in without further hesitation. Despite all the people waiting for duck vermicelli, I chose rice, which I really ache for.
There it came. A bowl of rice stirred with fried onions (which turned brown and crispy) and vegetable oil (not entirely healthy but acceptable), decorated with a slice of cucumber and a drop of Asian basil. I simply adore it even before I taste it.
This is the kind of food I want to share my rest of life with. Always keeping a low-profile but everlasting...