2012年8月22日 星期三

[新聞] 艾金錯了嗎?Akin, disgrace or not?

來源Source: CNN 《安德森全視角》"Anderson Cooper 360 degree"
CNN《摩根有約》"Piers Morgan Tonight"

When the election campaign is heating up, anything bizarre could happen.

U.S. Representative Todd Akin's saying "real rape victims do not get pregnant" is one of them.

"Just one word and one mistake in one day and everything has changed overnight.", said Todd Akin.

The origin of Todd Akin's theory might have came from Dr. John C. Willke.

Willke argues that, (1)hormones inside victims' brains change, thus prevent from pregnancy; (2)victims' bodies are so uptight from emotion, so the sperm can't get inside successfully.

Why Todd Akin said this? To show that abortion is not necessary.

The debate over abortion issue has been around for a long time in the U.S.

Many Americans, because of their religious view, disagree with abortion.

On "Piers Morgan Tonight", 2 guests are invited to talk about abortion rights.

One of them is Gloria Allred, a renowned lawyer, and also a rape victime.

Allred has gone to an illegal clinic to do the abortion, and almost died.

That's why she thinks it's very dangerous not to legalize abortion for such a long time.

Another is Rebecca Kiessling, a pro-life activist, and  also a child conceived in rape.

Rebecca Kiessling strongly thinks that everyone deserves the right to have a life and abortion is wrong.

"My mom used to feel a lot of pain, but now we both feel very grateful that I am alive", said Kiessling.

Controversy happens at the middle of the show.

"The life of an adult women is sacrificed in exchange for the growing up of an embryo, and the rape victim might even be unable to raise the child because of economic problem, what can she do?", asked Allred, and emerged the controversy for the first time.

"To legalize abortion is to give the victims a choice between whether or not to have the children, the victim does not get an abortion necessarily; not to legalize abortion is to give no choice at all, the victim has to raise the child despite everything, and she herself might be a child, too. Does that conform to basic human rights?", asked by the host Morgan, and emerged the controversy again.

Kiessling repeated "I am a woman too" for 6 or 7 times, and the show stopped after a while.

As for Todd Akin, his days as being called "national disgrace" on the media does not stop as easily as the show.




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