2012年8月24日 星期五

[新聞] 藍斯被控用藥 Armstrong charged with doping

來源Source: CNN"World Sport"

USADA(US Anti-Doping Agency) charged Lance with using performance-enhancing drugs, and is going to remove the Tour de France titles.

Lance Armstrong says the charge is very one-sided and unfair, USADA does not have enough evidence even for bringing a charge, and he will no longer respond to this event regardless of any circumstances, because he is "finished with this nonsense".

"I know who won the Tour de France titles, my teammates know who won the Tour de France titles, and everyone knows who won the Tour de France titles."

The news is going to be the cover story of Bicycling Magazine, but the editors are going to view the whole thing through USADA's standpoint instead of Lance's.

"I feel deeply in pain, but I believe we have to reveal the truth", said the editor.

Some closest teammates are going to provide testimony on Lance's use of drugs, but the result hasn't come out yet.




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