2012年4月4日 星期三

[電影英文台詞] 魔鏡魔鏡


英文片名:Mirror Mirror

My favorite lines in Mirror Mirror by Julia Roberts

Top1. "Bread is meat, less is more."

This line is said when Julia Roberts (the Queen) asks her server to collect more tax, so that she can afford a feast to welcome the prince. Her server replies, the peasants are already starving, it's impossible to collect more tax. The Queen said, just tell them "Bread is meat, less is more."

Top 2. "Well, there're pros and cons."

The prince is supposed to love the Queen after taking the love medicine, but he behaves like a puppy. The Queen gets angry when she finds out she has used the wrong medicine - puppy love, so the prince does not love her like a lover, the prince acts like a pet. When the Queen find out the prince being a puppy means he listens to whatever she says, she says to herself: "Well, there're pros and cons."

Top 3. "We have to stop meeting like this."

When the prince is robbed by bandits in the dark forest again, he shows in front of the Queen, semi-nude. The Queen says: "We have to stop meeting like this."

Top 4. "Apparently no one had a job, just danced and sang."

Top 5. "It's important to know when you have been beaten."

Top 6. "If you want someone dead, you have to do it yourself."

Top 7. "I know I'm still the same size!"




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