2012年3月25日 星期日

[Thoughts] Marketing & Career Books

I'm interested in marketing and workplace rules recently, so as to be more prepared for my future position. Today I'll introduce three books, the first one is written by the current chief manager of Ogilvy. Ogilvy is a well-known marketing company and has a good reputation among enterprises. The author, Jennifer, shares her experiences of how to make the best of life and reach a balance between different aspects in life. The main idea of this book is to let readers know, if you use the right method and have the right attitude, you can achieve all the good things in one lifetime, instead of taking career over family or vice versa.
The second book was read yesterday, not today. It belongs to a series of books, and was recommended by a fellow on ptt. The books teaches you how to sell things effectively. The part that I felt mostly impressed, was that not to make friends with customers. You may try to make friends with customers, but you both know it's not real. So in the end, you didn't make friends with the customer and you didn't sell things. The failure is doubled. I haven't finished this book yet, because this book is of high density and I have to digest it slowly. I will find time to finish it and I hope I can finish the whole series one day.
The third book was not finished , either. But that was because I got a little bored. The concepts are quite inspiring actually. The book teaches you to divide your bosses and colleagues, or anyone you meet in the workplace, into "parent" and "child". Parents could be harsh parents or other kinds, which I forgot by now. Children could be conformative children or naughty children. And the book teaches you how to interact with people according to these types. That way, you can get along with them more smoothly. The useful aspect of this book is that, it provides the actual sentences and examples, instead of abstract concepts or raw theories.  On the second thought, this book is not so bad.




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