2012年3月14日 星期三

[Journal] Happy White Valentine's Day~!

     I never learned how to distinguish the difference between Valentine's Day on Feb 14 and White Valentine's Day on Mar 14. The only thing I know is that today is Mar 14, 2012, and is supposed to be a day for valentines. And probabaly for anyone you love, too. Friends, colleagues, classmates, old pals, relatives, even your boss. In Chinese culture, the showing of love is often disguised. And I rather like this subtle way of showing love. Why? Because that makes any words of love more precious, and more powerful. I mean, why bother to say it every day? Would you change your beliefs toward your significant relationships just because of the frequency of saying love? Not likely, right?

     In addition, if you rely too much on what you hear from others, you'll forget to rely as much on what you see people do for you. Sweet talk and nice words are charming, and addictive, and eventually change the way you measure other people. The world is already full of fake words and fake love, why not do something instead of saying something to celebrate this day? When's the last time you do the dishes or the laundry? Admit it. Eventually you find it easier to buy, to pay, to say, to call, to email, so you just give up the most primitive way to say thanks and I love you - by providing your labor to your significant others. Do it today. Or al least squeeze it into your schedule no later than this week. Love ya! (Just sayin')




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