2012年2月28日 星期二

[電影英文台詞] 全面啟動





"The subject's mind can always trace the genesis of the idea.
True inspiration is impossible to fake."



"It'll take more than the occasional stuffed animal to convince those children they still have a father."


"No, not just money: the chance to build cathedrals, entire cities- things that have never existed,
things that couldn't exist in the real world......You told me that in the real world I'd be building
attic conversions and gas stations. You said that if I mastered the dream-share I'd have a whole
new way of creating and showing people my creations. You told me it would free me."



"In a dream your mind continuously does that......It creates and perceives a world simultaneously.
So well that you don't feel your brain doing the creating.
That's why we can shortcircuit the process......By taking over the creating part."



"Architecture. Build a bank vault or a jail, something secure,
and the subject's mind will fill it with information he's trying to protect."



"Arthur, maybe you can’t see what’s going on, maybe you don’t want to.
But Cobb’s got problems he’s tried to bury down there.
I’m not going to open my mind to someone like that."



"It’s not just about depth. You need the simplest version of the idea,
the one that will grow naturally in the subject’s mind. Subtle art."



"This isn't the usual corporate espionage, Mr. Saito. This is inception.
The seed of the idea we plant will grow in this man's mind.
It'll change him. It might even come to define him."



"No. Positive emotion trumps negative emotion every time.
We yearn for people to be reconciled, for catharsis.
We need positive emotional logic."



"These are moments I regret.
Moments I turned into dreams so I could change them."


"You think you can just build a prison of memories to lock her in?
You think that's going to contain her?"



"Cobb, you might have convinced the rest of this team to carry on with the job.
But they don't know the truth......The truth that at any minute you might bring a freight train
through the wall. The truth that Mal is bursting up through your subconscious.
The truth that as we go deeper into Fischer, we're also going deeper into you-and
I'm not sure we're going to like what we find there."



"It might have been your idea to push the limits, Cobb.
But you’re not responsible for the idea that destroyed her.
The idea that her world wasn’t real... that was her own idea from her own mind.
Your guilt defines her. Powers her.
If we’re going to succeed in this, you’re going to have to forgive yourself,
and you’re going to have to confront her.
But you don’t have to do it alone."



"There's something you have to understand about me. About inception.
You see, an idea is like a virus......Resilient...Highly contagious, and an idea can grow.
The smallest seed of an idea can grow to define or destroy your world..."


"What are the distinguishing characteristics of a dream?
Mutable laws of physics? Tell that to the quantum physicists.
Reappearance of the dead? What about heaven and hell?
Persecution of the dreamer, the creator, the messiah?
They crucified Christ, didn't they?......
No creeping doubts? Not feeling persecuted, Dom?
Chased around the globe by anonymous corporations and police forces?
The way the projections persecute the dreamer?
Admit it, Dom. You don't believe in one reality anymore. So choose.
Choose your reality like I did. Choose to be here. Choose me."


"I couldn't make Mal understand that we needed to break free. To die.
So I started to search our world...Searching for the right place in her mind...
And when I found that place, that secret place where she had shut away her knowledge
years before, I broke it open...
I broke into the deepest recess of her mind, to give her the simplest little idea."


"I wish you were. But I couldn't make you real.
I'm not capable of imagining you in all your complexity and... perfection.
As you really were. You're the best I can do. And you're not real."

"You're just a shade. You're just a shade of my wife.
I'm sorry, but you're just not good enough.")


"I miss you more than I can bear... but we had our time together.
And now I have to let go."





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