2017年1月31日 星期二



Why do you want to be a flight attendant?


*I would love to be a flight attendant for (你正在面試的這家航空公司), because I have exceptional customer service skills and the ability to interact with people on a professional level, which are my best assets.


*I would love to be a flight attendant for you. I have great customer service skills. I also have the ability to interact with people professionally. These are my best assets.


(1) 括號處依照實際情況修改,並且可以增加句子。

(2) 最好盡量補充實際例子,讓你說的話聽來更有可信度。另外可以花時間思考自己人生中遇過最困難的事情,如何解決,將你的人生故事融入到面試問題的回答中,展現出你對於問題的處理能力。

(3) 每個答案都可以改為短句版,這樣你的壓力不會那麼大,也不用那麼緊張。

(4) 在飛機上,乘客通常需要面對不熟悉的環境,再加上飛行所帶來的不適感,或是煩惱著接下來的行程、剛剛發生的事(趕著轉機、臨時被放上這班飛機、時差、開會...等),因此本質上就是一個很容易產生衝突的地方。如果你能多多展現你是個很圓滑的人,就非常具有適合成為空服員的特質了!

(5) 你所回答的問題是航空公司瞭解你的唯一機會,他們無法看到實際生活中的你有多優秀、熱心、平易近人。因此,花時間努力準備答案,對於獲得工作絕對是值得的!


*I know I would be an excellent representative of (你正在面試的這家航空公司). It's really my dream to become a flight attendant, and I like taking care of other people. When my friend informed me if your recruitment (請依照實際求職管道作答), I felt that it was my opportunity to pursue my dream. In addition, I've always wanted to work for (航空公司名稱) because of your good business reputation (可依照實際原因增加).

*I enjoy working with people and helping them. Also, I think it's nice to have an exciting work environment that changes all the time (可自己舉例想要應徵的幾個航線國家氣候/文化差異).

*I have solid interpersonal skills. I'm always cheerful (配合你的微笑). I seldom show my frustrations or anger to people around me. I'm confident that I will be an excellent flight attendant.

*I'm intelligent and quick, with critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze situations. I always remain calm during stressful scenarios. When it's necessary, I will be firm and poised to assure the passengers that things are under control.


*I work well with teams, because as we know, it's essential to cooperate with each other when we're on the flight, in order to make the passengers feel safe, secure, and satisfied.

*I get on with all types of people, but can get frustrated when working with those who don't share my work ethic. In these situations, I would still try developing a good rapport with them, letting them know that they're very important with their contributions to the team. I will try to look at the bright side and appreciate their better nature. I think it's essential to remain professional and get jobs done. It is also a great opportunity to learn to collaborate with everyone, regard the personal differences.


*I'm very friendly and easy-to-approach. I will make the passengers feel that I'm helpful for their needs. When I have to deal with an unruly customer, I will show my empathy first, and try my nest to assist them. If possible, I with to find out the root of the problem first, and present a solution. Whenever there is a conflict, it is my job to deflate the situation.


deflate 壓縮
例句:While footballs deflate naturally in colder temperatures, a deliberately under-inflated football may be easier to grip.


(1) 句子唸順 >>> 文法正確,文法錯誤只要不影響句子意思理解,皆不是嚴重錯誤。

(2) 臉上表情 >>> 流暢的英文,整體感覺很重要,也別忘了肢體語言喔!

(3) 如果可以,請在鏡子前面練習,或是錄下來自己看,發現自己的盲點。

(4) 請家人/好朋友/信任的人給你鼓勵與支持,讓你充滿信心!



1 則留言:


空服員面試最常考的問題及多種 參考 答案 Why do you want to be a flight attendant? 參考答案(長句版) *I would love to be a flight attendant for (你正在面試的這家航空公...